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Lounge-style chair for your workplace

Time:2015/5/1 9:21:57   Views:4773

  • It's called Brody--a hybrid of the words body and brain--a work lounge that reduces distractions and helps you focus.

    Mark Walters, a category product manager at Steelcase, says it all started with observations they made at colleges and universities. Students were having trouble focusing in the library. Outside of school, workers were having similar trouble focusing in their offices.

    So Steelcase came up with a workstation to help: Brody.

    The Brody comes with a shroud of privacy that helps block outside distractions. It also eliminates some of the distractions within: discomfort, struggling with your technology.

    It has an "alert recline" chair with an advanced lumbar region that supports your back.

    There's also a work surface that tilts to line up your computer screen with your eyes, reducing neck strain.

    Walters said they didn't find a lot of neuroscience behind putting your feet up, but they noticed people like to do it, so they added a foot cushion.

    Finding power is also a constant concern at work, so they added an outlet right under the seat to charge computers and smartphones.

    They also learned that people spend a lot of time worrying about their bags. They don't like putting their bags on the floor or stashing them out of sight. Steelcase added a shelf to the right of the seat to lift bags off the floor and keep them within easy reach.

    Steelcase doesn't envision the Brody as a replacement for the average office desk. And at $2,700 apiece, it is unlikely that most bosses will buy a Brody for everyone.

    But at just 3.5 feet by 6 feet, you can fit a lot more Brodys in a floor plan than actual offices.

    Steelcase sees these as smarter smaller offices rather than mega-desks.